03/ 11/ 15
If your skin is anything like mine, you’ll have trouble transitioning into the winter thus having “winter skin”. First your skin can become flaky, dry, itchy, and because that didn’t seem to be enough you get acne popping up like your face is the moon. Well, I don’t know about you but I ain’t dealing with it this year Edmonton!
31/ 08/ 15
As of lately, I found myself struggling with cystic acne around my cheeks and frustrated with a clogged T-zone. If you don’t have good skin chances are you’re stressed about it or have been at one time or another.
29/ 08/ 15
It’s sad to say but summer is almost over, and getting ready to transition your skin in Edmonton can seem like a rocky road ahead. With seasonal changes creeping around the corner it only means one thing, A DISRUPTION IN OUR BEAUTIFUL SKIN!! (Say it ain’t so).
11/ 08/ 15
This was a look I put together for a family birthday dinner that I went to. I also made a YouTube makeup tutorial of a step-by-step process for this application of makeup. With that said, if you’re more into watching and less into reading (CLICK HERE).